Thursday, March 25, 2010

The weekend

Last Friday we all went to the golf course near our house and rode in the cart while Randy and Ethan golfed. I have always been less than excited to go when Randy has asked in the past, but I couldn't refuse when Ethan angelically sang "will you come watch me golf pwease, pwease, pwease?!?" I really ended up having a good time. It was really nice outside and Jake loved riding in the cart.

On Saturday we took the boys to see the Easter Bunny at a Carmichael's. It was a free event and we will be getting a free 4x6 print from it eventually. I am glad we went there because there was no line or crowd, plus I picked out new matching Easter baskets for the boys (plus a yellow (unisex) extra for baby #3 to keep in reserves. Come on people, you know I want them to match. And, no, I'm not already pregnant.)Here is Ethan in his photo outfit. In hindsight I really wish he had a belt.

We had planned to attend the "Egg Drop" egg hunt that afternoon so we headed to Conyers. With a little time to spare we stopped at Old Navy to browse. I really wish we hadn't because while we were there Ethan slipped and landed head first into a display. We thought he just had a bump until blood started pouring from about an inch into his hair line. Ahhhh! So we rushed to the bathroom, got it to stop bleeding, bought a new shirt, and bought a box of Girl Scout cookies on the way out the door. The cookies made the whole thing all better in Ethan's mind. Seriously, what can't a Thin Mint fix? Here is Ethan and Randy at the event:

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