Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Boys- An Update

Ethan has been coughing for a couple days now so when we were getting ready this morning I made an appointment for him to see the Dr. in the afternoon, just to make sure it isn't just allergies. He wasn't very hungry for breakfast, but I had him eat some toast and milk. He has been having trouble remaining in the seated position while at the table lately (as in the past several months) and this morning was not an exception. While practicing his gymnastics, specifically the even bars using the table and window sill, he slipped and landed flat on his face, smacking his upper cheek/lower eye socket on the floor. He has a red spot which will probably turn into more of a bruise in that area. No black eye, thankfully. Now the good part: he was very upset after the fall so I was holding him while he cried and coughed, but he was worked up into a coughing frenzy which, of course, induced vomiting. ALL OVER ME. Plus, we had 5 minutes before needing to leave for school. My first instinct was to toss him aside to spare my clothes but then that would mean that I would have to mop the floor today rather than just do a load of laundry. Easy choice for me!
I went to the school early because today was his schedule parent/teacher conference to discuss his year and how he has progressed. His teacher is Mrs. Misty Moody and she showed me a collection of his work from the beginning of the school year and it was really cool to see how much better he has gotten at writing and drawing. He can write his name, draw shapes and lines, identify colors, count to 20, cut with scissors, share with friends, understands relationships like a bird flies in the sky and a fish swims in the water, and participates in daily routines & schedules (like he knows to go put his backpack in his cubbie as soon as he gets to class, to sit quietly during book time, to remain in his chair during snack time*How I ask, do they get him to do that??*, and to sing songs as a group). Mrs. Misty says that he has come a long way from the start of the year especially since he used to take toys from other kids, not listen to directions, and be a spaz in general. Now he doesn't do any of those things during school. She said he is very smart and soaks up everything like a sponge- as well as or better than the kids that come to school every day of the week. It is really good to hear that someone else thinks your kid is smart, since you already think your kid is the most awesome-est kid in the world. And, to bring me back down to Earth she then told me that he kicked a kid in the head during playground time. Happens, right?
I took Ethan to the Dr. after a pizza lunch for being awesome at school, minus the head kicking, and the Dr. said he has bronchitis and allergies and we left with 3 prescriptions. He is already starting to feel better and should sleep well tonight. I am hoping for a vomit free evening.
On to Jake:
Jake is getting so big, so fast. He is now a little boy, not a baby...much to my dismay. He speaks a ton and repeats everything we say. His favorite phrases are "stop it, Mommy," "big boy diaper," "Ducktales- woo woo," "Come on, Shiloh," "Oh, Okay!" "Big truck!" "play outside."
He asks for books to look at, particularly Goodnight Moon. He is addicted to fruit snacks and milk. He just got a molar in with little to no fuss. He loves to talk on the phone and pretend to talk on the phone, he loves to eat salad and watch Toy Story. He sleeps through the night and goes to bed with no problems as long as Mr. Kitty is with him (his stuffed cat with a tag on the bum that he runs between his fingers while he relaxes). He is a tough little kid and has bruises, scrapes, and cuts on his legs from playing constantly.
They are both such good little boys and so nice to other kids. We are very lucky to have them and are thankful everyday.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011