Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Bully in the Making?

Ever since Jake learned to crawl he has been on Ethan's heels. He tries to take toys from him, he pulls on him to try to stand up, and he follows him around the house. I love watching them interact. It is so funny hearing Ethan talk to Jake, "No, no, Jakers. That's mine!" and Jake just looks at him and smiles. I hope that this is the beginning of a life-long friendship for them.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Dear Jake,

You are my sweet baby. Please consider sleeping through the night.

Friday, March 26, 2010

A funk, a bump, and one Hero

We all know everyone has good days and bad days, and today Randy had a bad day. Nothing in particular made it a bad day for him, but he was in a funk when he got home nonetheless. Ethan refused to nap this afternoon and was acting like a total spaz. Jake also did not take an afternoon nap and wanted me to hold him non-stop. When Randy got home Jake greeted him with a smile, but (as usual) when Randy took Jake from me he arched his back and cried, trying to resist being taken from his beloved Mommy :) OK, so I had to set the mood before I could accurately describe what a wonderful father Randy is. He patiently calmed Jake down and got him happy enough to be released on the floor to play. All the while Ethan was pushing Randy in the rocking chair, a little too fast and choppy to be comfortable. Just as Randy asked him to stop, Ethan slipped on some clutter on the floor and landed forehead first into the end table. Randy was around the chair and had scooped Ethan up so fast it could only be measured in light-speed. In no time the incident was forgotten- Daddy had made it all better with a cup of milk and some calm words. It is amazing to see someone be able to get completely out of their head to do what is necessary, and not only necessary, but, what is a priority to them. Bad day or not, Randy is always there for us and is always an amazing Dad. Everytime I see him with our boys I remember one of the many reasons why I married him.
This picture is from last summer, but it's one of my favorites.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The weekend

Last Friday we all went to the golf course near our house and rode in the cart while Randy and Ethan golfed. I have always been less than excited to go when Randy has asked in the past, but I couldn't refuse when Ethan angelically sang "will you come watch me golf pwease, pwease, pwease?!?" I really ended up having a good time. It was really nice outside and Jake loved riding in the cart.

On Saturday we took the boys to see the Easter Bunny at a Carmichael's. It was a free event and we will be getting a free 4x6 print from it eventually. I am glad we went there because there was no line or crowd, plus I picked out new matching Easter baskets for the boys (plus a yellow (unisex) extra for baby #3 to keep in reserves. Come on people, you know I want them to match. And, no, I'm not already pregnant.)Here is Ethan in his photo outfit. In hindsight I really wish he had a belt.

We had planned to attend the "Egg Drop" egg hunt that afternoon so we headed to Conyers. With a little time to spare we stopped at Old Navy to browse. I really wish we hadn't because while we were there Ethan slipped and landed head first into a display. We thought he just had a bump until blood started pouring from about an inch into his hair line. Ahhhh! So we rushed to the bathroom, got it to stop bleeding, bought a new shirt, and bought a box of Girl Scout cookies on the way out the door. The cookies made the whole thing all better in Ethan's mind. Seriously, what can't a Thin Mint fix? Here is Ethan and Randy at the event:

Jake is 9 months old

On March 8th we went over to Chris and Christina's studio and they took Jake's picture for us. Of course they turned out beautifully! Jake was displaying his usual pursed-lip smile with an occasional toothy grin. He is really changing and getting so big. He already can wave, clap, jump (bounce while holding our hands), and crawl. He is a MAMA's BOY through and through and I love it! Here are some of my favorites from his photo session.

Blog, Day 1

After much personal conflict I have finally decided to create a family blog.
1. will be able to record events for future memories
2. will be able to practice writing
3. will be fun (?)
4. will be able to keep family informed and involved

1. will be time consuming
2. will anyone even read this?

So you can clearly see that the pros outweight the cons. Here we go :)