Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The zoo

We have a season pass to the zoo and took the boys there last Sunday. Ethan had a lot of fun watching the elephants and giraffes, but he was afraid of the silverback gorillas. Or "ganillas," as he called them. Jake loved watching the smaller monkeys play and eat. We had just arrived to the monkey area when they were feeding them oranges. Jake was standing on a curb against the window and I turned to see Ethan and as I did Jake stepped back off the curb and fell hitting his chin on it and then his head on the floor. Doh! I hate it when things like that happen! At least he was ok and recovered quickly.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

First haircut & 15 Months old!

Jake is becoming a little boy so quickly. He is losing the "baby" look and is also acting like he is older. He listens and understands, says a few words: love you, meow, mama, dada, wow, dog, banana (or nana). He does the sign language symbol for "milk" and if you ask him if he wants something he shakes his head yes or no. He loves to watch "Little Einsteins" with Ethan and pats his legs and raises his arms when he is supposed to with the music. We gave him his first haircut last week and it only made him look older. I have to say that I was pretty sad to see him as a big boy. But, he's still my baby! Here are before and after pictures:

Race cars

Randy and his Mom took Ethan to the Nascar race last weekend and they had a blast! Ethan was a little apprehensive at first because it was so loud, but after a few short minutes he got over it and loved it. He keeps talking about race cars and wants to go back :)