Monday, July 25, 2011

VA Vacation

Toward the end of June I took the boys up to Virginia to visit the Folks. We caught the tail end of the visit that my Grandpa and Aline were making there so we were able to visit with them as well! At the end of the week I left the boys there and went to Myrtle beach for a girls weekend with Brittany, and it was awesome.

We got home from Virginia and found out the news that we are expecting another baby! Stay tuned for baby Russell #3!

Jake is 2!

I am so behind (like usual)! Jake turned two last month and we celebrated by taking him to IHop for breakfast and then to the pool for a few hours. It was a really hot day but we had a ton of fun playing at the pool. We went home for lunch and cake and then spent the afternoon playing. A week later we had a party for him at our house where we set up the little pools and slip n' slide for the kids to play in. Jake ate popsicles and watermelon like it's going out of style. Thanks to everyone who helped us celebrate!